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Chia Wallets

  • Chia Official Wallet: This i would recommend the most. Its the most secure and reliable way to safe your Chia, CATs and NFTs
  • Ozone Chia Mobile Wallet : Ozone Wallet looks promising for Mobile Clients. But there is no support for NFT and DID / Chia Profiles already. Wallet seems to be the same Tech like Chia Light Wallet. The wallet is created on your device. So it's self custody.
  • Chia Modile Wallet : can Transfer Chia and one CAT Token. But also no NFT and DID Support. It's self custody. Wallet is directly on you device not relying on a Cloud Service
  • SkyNFT : At Sky NFT you can have a Custodian Wallet. Wallet is managed by SkyNFT. It's mainly for Minting and Trading your NFTs on SkyNFT. i do not recommend to hold your savings on a non Custodian Wallet. To Save your Funds Transfer them to a Self Custody Wallet.

How get FIAT to Chia Wallet

For your crypto assets to be safe, you want them to be in your own self custody wallet rather than on any centralized exchagne. Look at these examples:

So this are opportunites i have here in Europe / Germany

From the EU (Germany)

FIAT SEPA Transaction

I do whatever of this is the cheapest for me. The SEPA thing with i know really good. There is a Bank in Lithuania where gives me a Bank Account and i can transfer Euros to. SEPA transfer lasts two or three business days but works reliably to me. This then counts to my "Fiat Wallet" in the app from where i can buy crypto from and can withdraw it on several crypto networks but not Chia Network. But for example with USDC from there the travel goes on through the several crypto exchanges we know.

flowchart TD
    subgraph sub01["FIAT with SEPA to Chia Wallet"]
        subgraph padding01[ ]
            GermanBank[German Bank Account]
            ChiaWallet["Chia Wallet (Cold Wallet)"]

            GermanBank --FIAT via SEPA--> cryptoCom
            cryptoCom --Swap EUR / USDC--> cryptoCom

            cryptoCom --"USDC via Polygon"-->OKX
            cryptoCom --"USDC (TODO which Network)"-->StablyPrime
            cryptoCom --"USDC via Polygon"-->Kucoin

            OKX --Swap USDC / XCH-->OKX
            Kucoin --Swap USDC / XCH-->Kucoin
            StablyPrime --Swap USDC / XCH-->StablyPrime
            StablyPrime --Swap USDC / USDS -->StablyPrime

            OKX & Kucoin & StablyPrime --"XCH or USDS"--> ChiaWallet

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FIAT CreditCard / DebitCard

Second Option is with CreditCard / Debit Card. But there typically is a 2 or 3% fee on the transfer. So if its possible i stay with SEPA.

flowchart TD
    subgraph sub01["FIAT CreditCard / DebitCard to Chia Wallet"]
        subgraph padding01[ ]
            GermanBank[German Bank Account]

            GermanBank --"FIAT EUR DebitCard / CreditCard"-->OKX
            GermanBank --"FIAT EUR DebitCard / CreditCard"-->Kucoin

            OKX --"Swap EUR / XCH<br/>or EUR/USDC"-->OKX
            Kucoin --Swap EUR / XCH-->Kucoin

            OKX --USDC--> StablyPrime

            StablyPrime --USDS or XCH--> ChiaWallet
            OKX & Kucoin --XCH--> ChiaWallet


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FIAT Fedwire Stably possible?

I don't know if i am able to do this!. Until now i found no way to directly Transfer FIAT to Stably Prime. Maybe its not possible for Europeans? At least not possible for me as a "normal guy" :-D.

flowchart TD
    subgraph sub01["FIAT Swift/Fedwire"]
        subgraph padding01[ ]
            GermanBank[German Bank Account]

            GermanBank --"Fedwire (is this possible for me?)"-->StablyPrime

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