Character Species System
Usage of class inheritance
I don't know how classes work now but here some ideas that could make life easier. We want support different species so character types could make great use of Class inheritance in python.
Code Examples would be:
chianiaEntity <|-- chianiaChar
chianiaEntity <|-- chianiaEnemy
chianiaChar <|-- chianiaCharHuman
chianiaChar <|-- chianiaCharIskai
chianiaChar <|-- chianiaCharDwarf
chianiaChar <|-- chianiaCharMarmot
class chianiaEntity{
+String species
+String location
+List body_parts
+__init__(name, location)
class chianiaChar{
class chianiaCharHuman{
+String species
+String location
+List body_parts
class chianiaCharIskai{
+String species
+String location
+List body_parts
class chianiaCharDwarf{
+String species
+String location
+List body_parts
class chianiaCharMarmot{
+String species
+String location
+List body_parts
class chianiaEnemy{